Job Search Strategy Which Works

With hundreds on applicant on single job post in matter hours the probability of any resume no matter how qualified it is to be picked up is very low.

Learn how to solve this

In today's cutthroat job market, even the most qualified applicants can find themselves lost in the shuffle. Despite their credentials, many talented individuals face the disheartening reality of rejection or silence after submitting countless applications.

The Odds Game: Understanding the Challenge

Imagine this: a job is posted, and within hours, hundreds apply. Each applicant hopes to stand out, but with so much competition, the chances of success seem slim. If all applicants are of similarly qualified to take the job, for hundred applicants the chance of a single applicant dwindles to 1%!

Casting a Wider Net: The Power of Quantity

So, what's the solution? Apply to more jobs. By spreading your efforts across multiple opportunities, you increase your chances of getting noticed.


- Create a schedule for job searching and application submissions.

- Set realistic goals for the number of applications you aim to submit each week.

- Keep track of the jobs you've applied for and any follow-up actions needed.


- Don't apply to every job without considering your qualifications and interest in the role.

- Don't spam companies with identical applications; personalize each submission.

- Don't sacrifice quality for quantity; ensure each application is well-crafted and error-free.

Quality vs. Quantity: Finding the Balance

While it's important to customize each application, having a set of core documents—like a master resume—can save time without sacrificing quality.


- Develop a master resume and cover letter template that can be easily tailored for different positions.

- Research each company and position before customizing your application materials.

- Seek feedback from mentors or peers to improve your resume and cover letter.


- Don't send out generic resumes and cover letters without addressing specific job requirements.

- Don't overload your resume with irrelevant information; focus on highlighting relevant experiences.

- Don't forget to proofread your application materials for grammar and spelling errors.

Staying Resilient: Navigating the Rollercoaster of Emotions

Job hunting can be tough, but don't let rejections get you down. You often do not get the reason why you were rejected. It might just be they didn't even look at your application and resume!


- Know your worth, only you know what you are capable of. The resume / application you could never tell the whole story.

- You are in competition with yourself. Count your rejection rate compare it with how you did the last time.

- If ever you get rejection feedback and use it to improve your future applications.


- Don't stop applying!

- Compare your progress to others; focus on your own journey and achievements.

- Let rejections or setbacks deter you from pursuing your career goals.

How jobr can help

Navigating this process can be overwhelming, but Jobr's AI resume, cover letter and auto apply service can now help!

Set your Goal

Signup, update preferences, add primary resume with as much details as possible.

Collect Jobs

Search and add jobs with a single button.

(or let jobr do it with premium)

Autofill with AI

Go through collected jobs, optimize resume/ cover letter and apply.

(or let jobr do it with premium)

Apply For Me Service

Jobr can find and apply to job on your behalf so you can focus preparing for interviews.

(This is where jobr helps you attack)

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